Sunday, December 16, 2007

when you get to the point

ok, so hold it against me (if you will) that I'm an ANTM fan, but...
If you can keep that aside for just a moment to hear me out:
I have a real message that can transcend that...
When you get to the point where there has to be a heierarchy, when there can only be one winner... then it doesn't matter where you are. The bottom 2 are consequently also the top 2. both are worthy... in fact, the bottom 3 are also the top 3.
Let me give you a little frame of reference.
I am an engineer, ok, perhaps the farthest thing from the runway, but I watched the ANTM finale and I felt their pain. Struggling to find themselves amongst perhaps the top of their pack in their American industry of today...
I felt things, ok, things that the best of the best feel.
1. Feeling that you deserve the crown just because you've come THIS FAR and are willing to go farther, just to prove (amongst those who have already proven it themselves because evolution hasn't put them on dislay before millions) that you are a top contender...
2. Feeling that you are completely worthy all the accolades that you will receive, and all the glory that your competitors will not, because your heart is just in that right place...
3. Feeling that this is your destiny, and that this is not at all the right of those whom you have competed against, BECAUSE they couldn't possibly understand what it means to be you...
Let's face it:
there's a ton of the best of the best. That just means that you are of the MILLIONS that know that to work hard, is a part of life. This is LIFE.
As long as the world keeps running the rotations that we've known for centuries this will be the truth of the human situation.
ANTM (if you dare to look at it as a parable) tells a lot about the human condition. I found myself with a heart outstretched toward those girls who were still willing to be understood in the face of the public to catch the crown. I feel that they did come in touch with themselves.
Yet, I still think it's more.
If you take yourselves outside of their situation of being on TV and being in a foriegn land... what this can tell us is that, no matter where you are, you're still in your body, going through your stuff, doing what you need to do.
If you can't understand being a model, then understand this: trying to let someone know your intentions, even when the stakes are high, can be known to many more of us than we are willing to recognize...
Whether it's telling your P.O. that you truly didn't mean a heinous mistake, or telling your congregation that you know better NOW, or telling your family that you're aware of a hurtful non repetivie mistake, or telling whoever it is, whatever it is that you need to communicate, it comes down to this:
We are in control of what comes in our future, but only to an extent.
if we aware of the bigger picture, our lives could be different. Let's be aware of our finite-ity, and in it, understand that there's an infinite that is gracious enough to give us a glimpse into what's really important.
In continued trying, know this: there's at least one bigger.


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Anonymous said...

Good words.