Saturday, December 01, 2007

a political junkie is born (part 2)

it's the policy makers, after all, who let these things ride or not. why? because i'm sure that the pharmaceutical companies had something to do with it. if they did not, why would there be no generic available? if they can't create a product without aerosol that works just as well... maybe 8.5 grams of inhaler medicine is not depleting the ozone layer quite as much as it could save a person's life.
but then what do pharmaceuticals have to do with politics? because there's a lobby for them.
BINGO ~ this is where I found the hidden entrance into becoming a junkie. now, don't get me wrong, I don't think all lobbies are bad. there are some whose causes are right on point with progress. we're talking here about that government sanctioned corruption- so a few bills can slide by, a little power can be at the disposal of a corporations so HUGE money to be made... regardless of any factor besides that $, and so federal bodies can look the other way on certain issues. the potential is devastating.
a little background on my political history: i'm a democrat who, even if i were to get rich enough for the republican party to be in line with my financial exponential growth, would still be a democrat. there's too much BLATANT politics for politics sake in the republican party's primary. not to mention, the republican party got us in a place where our president threatens other nations with world war III and nicknamed himself 'the decider' for us all. it's so unfortunate that he even has the title of president. no thanks, i want nothing to do with them.
the only good thing that fell out of how bush being in the white house is that al gore had the bandwidth to shed light on how the truth can be inconvenient.

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