Thursday, December 06, 2007

a birthday message

man, life is crazy. last night i began to internalize how blessed i truly am. what's nutty is that i've never taken this fact for granted so much as i didn't understand the magnitude of how different life could have been. case and point: if you graduate from high school with straight A's only to get to college and run into the fact that you read on a 10th grade level. you've been passed through and given accolades just for showing up to class and turning in uncorrected homework. no one advocates for you, and you are a just kid with no true realization of what is happening, only that a 4 year college is going to take you 6 because you won't begin receiving college credit until 2 years in. this is a true story of another person in this world with the heart to succeed, who inherited a headache. i ran SMACK into the situation last night, and woke up with the realization that even though i choose to look at life through rose colored glasses there is some serious work to be done. sure it's a birthday... but guess what? no one's holding the presses, time hasn't stopped. over the past few years my world has gotten larger, time has gotten shorter, and my role has been refined [although my indecisiveness still keeps that role largely undefined].
all i know is that i'll be praying till my last breath...

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