Monday, November 19, 2007

an old friend called her domain 'abandon'

such a fresh freshman... so ready for everything. 17 years old, one of the few not at 18 quite yet. too bad life kicked my ass and sent me straight to Jesus... very good move by the way. seven years later, all wrapped up in adulthood and willing to only show myself to the one i can call my man (who i don't know yet in my singleness); so my outlet is here. hate it or love it. not a whole lot of details but right off the dome. no rhymes, cuz it's a different kind of free-stylin'. i'll try to keep the grammar correct so anybody can understand. my pretend roommate in '00 had an alias called 'abandon' online. even though she was a writer by nature and i am the farthest from it, i finally understand even if I still only give this power over to God. Number4

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