Sunday, November 08, 2009


i hate cursing now, but i can't help the string of expletives that show up in my head... it is when i think of how unsubstantial the power of 1 truly is.
2, 3, many more... but 1, the 1 that you have control over, so minute. by being overcome by the ineffectiveness of a single person, we become complicit in whatever ills are being perpetuated by the status quo. this complicity is something for which generations to come should not forgive us. status quo comes in so many forms: a gang rape going unadressed by bystanders, the craziness that was the war in iraq...even in the latter there was a single voice against it, but still, no effectiveness to reverse the horror.
those that know that the status quo should be on the side of that which is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable should NOT be overwhelmed by their singular range.
these should be who harness the call and the strength to mobilize masses.
let's move from complicit to sustaining the call to empower.

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