Tuesday, December 28, 2010

not interested in that kind of love

what one person says and what another person hears can be totally different things, even with the same words. take the phrase, 'i love you,' for example.
over the past 4 weeks, i've received 'i love you,' several times: most recently, live and direct, in person... it felt like bliss. it was reciprocated: i loved in return.
what i heard when he said 'i love you' was that he loved me such that he wanted his love and was ready to finally have her after years of having had counterfeit. if his stated love were a metaphor, it would be a rushing river - rushing over treacherous rocks and through whatever path necessary just to reach his love. if his love met a cliff, it would create the most beautiful waterfall as a testament to his love...
however, his love revealed itself as more of a leaky faucet: drip, drip, drip. the path? pipelines. the current? one drip at a time. the testament? the journey from the faucet head to the sink...
as it turns out, i'm not interested in that kind of love at all.
when I say love, I speak in rushing river, waterfall terms.
my heart wishes he did too, but instead,
looks like i'm gonna have to build a

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

how did i fall so far so fast...

he told me he loved me over text message, and now, when i think about him, i just pray for God's help.
how did this happen?
i love him, so what; how did it get so deep all of a sudden?
all i feel is agony until i see him again.
all i want to do is hug and kiss him.
all i want to have are his arms around me, immediately.
all i want to be is with him.
all i am is sprung...

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

psychosis is a misplaced metaphor

so i watched tyler perry's 'for colored girls' today. it reminded me of a time when i was misunderstood. you see, at various times throughout the movie, the women would stare off into space and go off on these long soliloquies that made absolutely no sense, beyond the sense that it made because they had craziness going on in own their lives. beyond that, no sense at all.
take these women out of that backdrop, put them on a street corner with all their imagery and metaphors and they would be put away.
crazy is relative and psychosis is a misplaced metaphor.

Monday, November 01, 2010

a picture's worth 1000 tv shows

this one's dedicated to my high endurance boo.

I stumbled on this gem in the Intel parking lot today and couldn't stop laughing.
Yes, they do have California license plates in California, but apparently also Public School 25 Alums.
You will always be the V in TV.
One day, we might just make our after-school special.
You will kick the the NY marathon's butt!
You're a good mother.
You still need Jesus (that will never change ;-)
I love you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

worker bee

and satisfied to be one.

Friday, August 20, 2010


"so you're going to miss your sister, huh?" my boss asked.
"yeah, but i'm definitely NOT going to miss living with her..."

so then, i asked my new roommate, "do you have a best friend?"
she said something about having close friends.
at that moment, i started crying.
she saw my tears, yet her pre-occupation with the TV told me that she couldn't care less.
i have to move out as soon as possible.

see, i have a best friend. i used to be roommates with my best friend. my best friend is now going to be at least 2500 miles away for the duration. i miss my best friend a lot. and at that moment, i actually felt it.
see, my old roommate is the type of person who would care what was wrong if she saw tears. any friend would, right? if i've ever let you see me cry, it's either because we were under a confidentiality agreement, or i considered you a friend...once.
see, realizations can be rough. realizing that a friendship is one-sided is dissappointing. realizing that someone who should care, actually doesn't hurts. but then again, realizing that you have to eat your words about what you will or will not miss about someone can be downright lyrical.

"on and on it seems to go, but..."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"she understands my uniqueness"

i was tickled today by a co-worker who's going to pop the question to his girlfriend.
you know that co-worker who's just a little special?
that's him...
while sweating profusely, he proclaimed, "she understands my uniqueness".
i giggled.
love can be so simple and pure.
the episode almost jolted me out of my jadedness.
i will pray for another encounter.